Report of the Fire Inspection

On Wednesday, the 23rd of November, we finally had a fire inspection, as was announced to happen in the preliminary verdict (see below). Present that day on our side were the members of the living group (we even took a half day off work), a few friends who came to support, and two members of the neighbourhood organisation Red Het Blauw who had previously been around the squatted house.
Two friendly, uniformed firemen came in, and first accepted two cups of coffee and we chatted.
The two ladies from Red Het Blauw, one of them a lawyer, the organisation’s juridical advisor, impressed on the two firemen how much more orderly the house is now, and how well taken care of it is compared to the lamentable state of disrepair and squalor in which the former renters abandonned it.
The inspection lasted maybe forty minutes.
The result which came within a week after, asserted in bold letters: “Onze conclusie is dat het gebruik van de bedrijfsloods voor woondoeleinden, voor wat betreft de brandveiligheid, voldoet aan de hierboven genoemde regelgeving.” – “Our conclusion is that the usage of the company building as a living space is commensurate with fire safety regulations as stated above.”

Our lawyer, as well as the living group of the Cruquiusweg 86, expect the final verdict of the court-case to be positive, that seems the only logical conclusion.

There are some points mentionned which can be improved in the house – one fire exit door has been left barricaded by the former enter, Drenth. We already started working on making it operational again.

Other than that Drenth’s archives and other implements, now long fallen into disuse, but which are being stored inside, should be taken out, since they cluster up some parts of the building – for this we will wait that Mr. Ijzenbrandt make an appointment with our lawyer.

This is a trite old story to us, since Drenth was offered to pick up things immediately after the squatting action, but never acted on the offer.

Another thing that baffles us is that they seem to still suspect us of having wood burners. These firemen came in, and had a look around, and there is not a trace of chimneys in our house, yet we are not believed. We do not have wood burners, but use zibra heaters.

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