
This website is run by a collective of individuals that are interested in growing and nurturing a radical community. We hope that through these events we can get to know each other better, debate ideas, learn new skills and relax.

The burnout collective does not organise any events, it only publishes public announcements and events.

Contact/ promote events: burntcrew@lists.riseup.net

The criteria of the events that would be published and supported can’t be set in stone and kinda would be missing the point, we are not about to enter into a legal contract with you, respect our decision to not post or to take away your event, if we decide to do so.
Overall we are interested in public events such as:
workshops, speak outs, talks, forums, call outs, performances, peoples kitchens, protests, gatherings and an infinite etcetera.

Generally we hope that all activities are free, -by donation for worthy causes are ok.
Initiatives that we support that are utilizing a commercial venue ie: a university, a theatre. Could be considered.

Please keep in mind that it is still the Internet and therefore events are likely to be prone to surveillance.