Amsterdam Squatter Tour – Oct23

20 Oct

October 1 2011 marked one year since the Kraakverbod made squatting illegal in the Netherlands. However, hundreds of people still squat and will continue to squat.

With squatting in the UK coming under threat, join us to hear 3 squatters from Amsterdam talk next week in several cities across the UK about squatting before the ban, resistance to the criminalisation and what’s been happening since the Kraakverbod became law.


Sunday 23rd October – Brighton, Cowley Club 2pm
Tuesday 25th October – Bristol, Cave St Factory 8pm
Wednesday 26th October – London, Ratstar 8pm
Friday 28th October – Manchester, OKasional Cafe 6pm
Saturday 29th October – Bradford, 1in12 Club, 7pm

The talk will include;

-a brief history of squatting in the Netherlands,
-an run-down of the various attempts to criminalise squatting, the most recent campaign and what the Kraakverbod is,
-Anti-Kraak companies like Camelot, Ad Hoc
-what the speakers felt was successful in the campaigns and mobilisation before the criminalisation, what was not successful, and what’s been happening since
– the consequences of the Kraakverbod for for housing general, cultural life, political activism and the squatting community

With some space for questions and discussions afterwards.

Where ever you are, see you there!