:: BikeSabbath's Tentacles ::

Current Project(s):

Pinku Saido: "Psychedelic" Punk Rock. Far-East meets Wild Wild West.

1234!: A bunch of friends trying to get together to set up diy shows in Lyon.

Past projects, dead or asleep:

Baygon Vert: Kinda Batman and Robin sludge band!

Frustros: Manic depressive Noise Punk.

Heavy Moustaches: Mysterious collective of friends who organize shows here and there. Flyers gallery on the website.

Robotnicka: Internationalist band, freaky analogic synth-punk anthems.

Think Globally Act Zombiely: Super DIY short film shot in less than a day with a bunch of friends. Download it now, you'll smash the state later... Go zombies go!

Past projects, still alive and kicking:

Maloka: DIY Label & Distro created in 1989. They also book shows in L'Espace Autogéré des Tanneries, squatted space since 1998.

:: Info ::

Indymedia | Rebellyon | Squat!net

:: Posters, Artwork, Photo & Video ::

A3BC | Arrache-Toi un Oeil! | JM Bertoyas | Victor J Blue | Ivan Brun | Audrey Calleja | Craoman | Do It Yourself Flyers | Julien Dupont | Mar Estrama | GigPosters | Kazuhiro Imai | Félicité Landrivon | Diane Malatesta | Mercredi | Maronasty | Hugues PZZL | Guillaume Soulatges | Trematoda |We Are Everywhere

:: Diy + Places ::

La BAF | Espace Autogéré des Tanneries | La France Pue | La Gueule Noire | Grrrnd Zero | Irregular Rhythm Asylum | Lustucrust | La Luttine | Mammouth | La Socquette

:: Bands ::

20 Minutes De Chaos | Alarm | Alligator | Cascarrabias | Cavern | Chicken's Call | Coche Bomba | Copcake | CSMD | Défaite | The Death | Faux Départ | Good Throb | Isangrin | Karcavul | Koenigstein Youth | Litige | Malaïse | Moms On Meth | Morse | Oi Polloi | Pervers & Truands | Pinprick Punishment | René Binamé | Procrastination | Seb & The Rhââ Dicks | Télécommande | Uhl | Veuve SS | Zone Infinie

:: Record Labels & Distros ::

Active Distribution | Aredje | At War With False Noise | Cool Marriage Records | Et Mon Cul C'est Du Tofu? | Love Over Voltage | Maison De Retraite | Maloka | Muscle Horse Records | Mutant Records | NHCDIYSTREC | No Fucking Labels | No Way Asso | Pain Frites Recordzzz | Les Potagers Natures | Stonehenge

:: Free Software & Ressources ::

Debian | Mozilla | Poivron.org | PRINT | W3C

:: Zines & Publishers ::

Editions Chat Chuffit | Editions Tanibis | Editions Turbulentes / Nem | Expansion of Life | Psycho Disco | Queerbook Committee | Ratcharge

:: Body Art ::

Autoclave | CrossdressINK | Hypo-derme | Edith Lake | Lady Pain | Mu Body Arts