pure data patching circle

Soon we are going to start a Pure Data Patching Circle” and that is the closest I can find to the nights we spent on riereta with dgepeto and the Pure Data Users Syndicate.

We are starting with a Pure data crash course, to honour last serious workshop, and the plan is:

  • three sessions of pure data introduction
  • 2 sessions of support to the students
  • starting pure data weekly patching circle meetings, with lightning talks at the start and then working together and troubleshooting

people interested in joining the workshop, please write back to the #slug: slug [at] lists [dot] riseup [dot] net

people interested on hosting the workshop in some place where we can meet weekly and make a bit of noise and use a beamer, please write too!

internet privacy information

Here a  list of texts about privacy online, for the interested nerds.

news from the underground

The slug keeps working, though we don’t spend time on writing up here cause there are not many announces to do.

We haven’t stopped providing some maintenance services to the squats around, so feel free to get in touch if you need a friendly nerd.

More news soon! Stay tuned!

Meanwhile, why don’t you have a look at this post: Why I Am Deleting My Myspace and Facebook Accounts, and You Should Too, from the techno tranny slut

Introduction to Pure Data

Thursday 6 and 13 of November – 6 p.m.

Pure Data is a graphical programming environment to manipulate audio and video in real time.

Is Open Source and works in all platforms, but we are going to see some libraries that work mainly in Linux… so take your ubuntu with you!

Sine Wave Oscillator

This week Security and Paranoia on Internet @ Barcelona CopyLeft

Saturday 21st of June

Workshop on basic knowledge for using internet safely.

First part: the difference between “clear” browsing and “encrypted” browsing, and OTR (encryption protocol for Instant Messaging).

Second part: introduction to GPG (Gnu Pretty Guard), a system that allows people to encrypt and sign data and communications.

Third part: Tor and the onion network. Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location.

See you there at 15.00 then!

@ Barcelona CopyLeft Van Boetselaarstraat 1 A*damflyer