Category Archives: Places

Where are we operating… soon in a squat near you!

Keysigning party under the bridge – Wednesday May 6th

GPG is the free implementacion of the Pretty Good Privacy system. This allows you to sign and encrypt messages to other people, and if we sign each other our keys you can also verify that the person you know is who actually wrote the email.some color keys

Send your public key by mail to anybody from the #slug, and come over next Wednesday to get more people to sign it.

Encryption is not as complicated as it sounds, check out this howto for making your own gpg key in case you don’t have one yet, this video tutorial for using Thunderbird Enigmail plugin, and this other tutorials for GPG.

What you can bring to the party:

  • Little pieces of paper with your gpg key information (specially your fingerprint).
  • Fruits, tea, juice.
  • You don’t need to take your computer
  • You don’t need to take your id (Yes, in all the howtos talks about the ID but we don’t need it)
  • Don’t forget to send your gpg public key to the organizer

What you will have after the party:

  • A list of people you can mail encrypted mail with
  • A list of keys to sign and make a bigger trust ring
  • More information about gpg programs and gpg security

Why we do this:

Is important to increase the amount of encrypted mail to make it more difficult to analize and decrypt. The safety of encryption systems is a balance between the amount of information to decypher and the computing power of the spy… if we have enough encrypted mail they will never reach to decrypt the more importatn ones!

pure data patching circle

Soon we are going to start a Pure Data Patching Circle” and that is the closest I can find to the nights we spent on riereta with dgepeto and the Pure Data Users Syndicate.

We are starting with a Pure data crash course, to honour last serious workshop, and the plan is:

  • three sessions of pure data introduction
  • 2 sessions of support to the students
  • starting pure data weekly patching circle meetings, with lightning talks at the start and then working together and troubleshooting

people interested in joining the workshop, please write back to the #slug: slug [at] lists [dot] riseup [dot] net

people interested on hosting the workshop in some place where we can meet weekly and make a bit of noise and use a beamer, please write too!

Introduction to Pure Data

Thursday 6 and 13 of November – 6 p.m.

Pure Data is a graphical programming environment to manipulate audio and video in real time.

Is Open Source and works in all platforms, but we are going to see some libraries that work mainly in Linux… so take your ubuntu with you!

Sine Wave Oscillator

Every Thursday: build your own computer at The Fiber

 piles of computer accesories (found on flickr) Every Thursday from 20:00 tot midnight we are going to open the lab to all the people who want to build their own machine.

We still have some more setting-up for the heating of the space but summer is almost here. The lab is located at Ruysdaelstraat 79 in the garage.

So come by, tell us what your computer needs are and we’ll show you how to put some good ol’ copper back in shape.

We are also open for those who have problems with their machines or want to connect their house to the internet. We only give support about free software and will not help you on problems with your Windou$ install. Except installing a free operating system, that is.

Python crash course in May

During the Saturdays of May 24th and May 31st, our fellow nerd , who is staying in Amsterdam, is going to give a crash course in the .

The Python language is a cross platform tool that allows you to do a lot of things. Many applications are written in it or use little pieces of python code. This is a course for people that already have an idea of what programming is (what is a loop, what is a variable and so on) but you don’t need to know anything about Python.

We think that good courses are the ones that leave a curious flock behind them that can later share newbie tricks and teach each other, and we would like to have at least 10 people joining the course for it to be a success. If we are more, we are going to be able to keep playing with it and learning together even when the course finishes.

If you are interested, drop us a note! slug[AT]

And if you still don’t know what a variable is, you still have time to learn before the course! It’s in May!